Spanish author fashion is much more than clothes. The textile industry is one of the economic engines of our country and for the city of Madrid it is one of its strong bets for tourism. Spanish fashion continues to become a world reference, largely due to the tenacity of its professionals who carry out their work consciously and vindicating craftsmanship. From Madrid Capital de Moda we claim our city as one of the most interesting and important points of the international design scene.
During Madrid Fashion Week you can see on the catwalks or in different spaces of the city thanks to the celebration of MBFW Madrid and Madrid es Moda, the different collections of the participating designers, but their work and effort is constant a long the whole year.
The Madrid City Council, through the Madrid Capital de Moda project, has a firm commitment to Spanish author fashion and demonstrates this by developing a series of proposals to support and promote it.
Within the framework of Madrid Capital de Moda, a committee of experts has been created that will work so that the Madrid City Council continues advancing in its firm commitment to the fashion sector in the city.
in addition, the Asociación de Creadores de Moda de España (ACME), an entity subsidised by the Madrid City Council, together with the Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid, presents the Rutas por la Moda de Autor Española de Madrid (Routes through Spanish Designer Fashion in Madrid). Check out all the information on the following button.
fashion made in spain route
Como la moda de autor es única, queremos que disfrutes de ella en las calles de Madrid. Te proponemos que hagas la ruta de la costura Made In Spain, que también puedes consultar en Todo está en Madrid, iniciativa del Ayuntamiento de Madrid que es una guía interactiva del comercio local de la ciudad.
As author fashion is unique, we want you to enjoy it in the streets of Madrid. We suggest you take the Made In Spain sewing route, which you can also consult in Todo está en Madrid, an initiative of the Madrid City Council that is an interactive guide to local businesses in the city.
made in spain designers
▶ Andrés Sardá: Don Ramón de la Cruz 4.
▶ Andrés Gallardo: San Pedro 8.
▶ Ángel Schlesser: Claudio Coello 21 – Paseo de la Castellana 75
▶ Beatriz Peñalver: Hermosilla 98 3º centro izquierda.
▶ BIMANI: Velázquez 43.
▶ Devota & Lomba: San Mateo 20.
▶ Duarte: San Gregorio 5 Bajo B.
▶ Duyos: Marqués de Valdeiglesias 5 3º derecha.
▶ Eduardo Navarrete: Toledo 54.
▶ Encinar: Caracas 8 Exterior izquierda.
▶ Ernesto Naranjo: Divino Pastro 11,2º C.
▶ Félix Ramiro: Claudio Coello 19.
▶ Fernando Claro: Velázquez 11, 5D.
▶ García Madrid: Corredera Baja de San Pablo 26 – Conde de Aranda 6.
▶ Hannibal Laguna: Zorrilla 25.
▶ Hoss Intropia: Goya 29.
▶ Javier Delafuente: C/ Santa Teresa, 5
▶ JC Pajares: Fuencarral 121 , 7º (Ático).
▶ Jorge Vázquez: Orellana 12.
▶ Leyre Valiente: Gonzalo de Córdoba 7, Local derecha.
▶ Lola Casademunt: Goya 48 – Fuencarral 67 – C.C. La Vaguada – C.C. Campo de las Naciones.
▶ Maison Mesa: Reina 37, 2º izquierda.
▶ Malne: María de Molina 22.
▶ Mané Mané: Hortaleza 102, 4C.
▶ Marcos Luengo: Jorge Juan 16, 1º izquierda.
▶ Moisés Nieto: Blasco de Garay 51.
▶ OTEYZA: Conde de Xiquena 11.
▶ OTRURA: Hortaleza 108.
▶ Pedro del Hierro: Alcalá 157 – Goya 29 – Serrano 63 – Paseo de la Castellana 146 – C.C. Plenilunio.
▶ Pilar Dalbat: Fuencarral 27
▶ Redondo Brand: Velázquez 80.
▶ Reliquiae: Paseo de la Castellana 85 (Centro Comercial El Corte Inglés)
▶ Roberto Torretta: Fereluz 17.
▶ Roberto Verino: Serrano 33 – Goya 76 – CC Arturo Soria – CC Campo de las Naciones – CC San Chinarro.
▶ Sol and Roll: Campoamor 4.
▶ Teresa Helbig: Jorge Juan 13, 1º derecha.
▶ The 2nd Skin: Hortaleza 106.
▶ The Extreme Collection: Claudio Coello 53 – Augusto Figeroa 27 – Arenal 26
▶ Ynes Suelves: Fernando VI 11.
fashion made in spain map
The streets of Madrid are full of fashion, that’s why we invite you to consult our map in which we suggest you take a route through the shops and ateliers of some of the most important designers of Spanish author fashion.
Remember that supporting local businesses and national fashion is essential to make Madrid the Capital of Fashion, not only during Fashion Week but at any time of the year.