CREAMODITE is a non-profit association that supports the world of fashion, design and commerce, always emphasizing the importance of the creative industries.
In 2017 the project started and since then it has not stopped presenting different proposals such as parades-perfomance, entertainment programs, workshops or art and design circuits in Madrid.
CREAMODITE has the support of Madrid City Council, from its initiative Madrid Capital of Fashion, as the institution supports its new project: the Fashion Alive event to be held from May 18 to 19 at the Ateneo de Madrid. In addition, on May 20 will take place at WOW Concept, the Fashion Alive 2023 Circuits that complete the event.
fashion alive 2023
Fashion Alive Madrid 2023 is the culminating event of Creamodite’s participation in the Fashion Alive project, a consortium of creatives funded by the European Union. In this edition, the focus will be on sustainability as a top priority for the fashion industry.
For this purpose, an interdisciplinary performance catwalk will be carried out focused on Zero Waste methodology designs developed by Creamodite and the winners of the Fashion Alive Zero Waste Fashion contest. The common thread that governs the catwalk will be the color black, which allows to unify multiple creative visions under the global discourse of promoting the development and production of environmentally responsible design methodologies.
▶ I JOURNAL: Different round tables (live & streaming), with the participation of the project partners, the catwalk participants and the event management, to discuss the progress of the project, the Zero Waste method and the future of sustainable fashion.
➡ May 18 – From 6pm – Ateneo de Madrid – Free admission until full capacity is reached.
➖ Zero Waste Method Conference (19h): Masterclass offered by Gisela Fortuna (director of Creamodite and tutor specialized in the Zero Waste method) on the principles of the Zero Waste Fashion method and its applications for design and production in fashion.
➖ Sustainability & Zero Waste Conference (19h30): Charo Izquierdo (Consultant specialized in communication, fashion, sustainability and lifestyle), Juan Carlos Mesa (Creative Director Maison Mesa), Carmen Silla (Marketing Director at Jeanología) , Sandra García Rodríguez (Head of business development, Pyratex Execution, challenges and advances in sustainable design) will participate in a conference entitled ‘Implementation, Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Design’.
➖ Fashion Alive Project Conference (20h): ‘Advances and discoveries presented by the European partners of the project.’ Speakers: Martina Gesell (Project Manager (CREAMODITE) ), Roberto Liberti (Partner representing Italy and principal investigator of Fashion Alive Italia), y Ana Cristina Broega (representative of Portugal and principal investigator of Fashion Alive Portugal.)
▶ II JOURNAL: There will be a fashion show entitled ‘Perfomance Catwalk Fashion Alive’ in which Zero Waste Fashion pattern making and fashion design collections will be presented. Through the use of unique methods and approaches in the creation of designs through sustainable design thinking.
➡May 19 – From 6:45 pm – Ateneo de Madrid – Invitations requested 📩 a
▶ III JOURNAL: Fashion Alive will close with a guided tour of art and design stores in the historic center of Madrid with a sustainable look offered by Gisela Fortuna, director of the project. The aim of this circuit is to work on the awareness-raising effect of the round tables and the catwalk performance, and to transfer the concepts for daily analysis on business sustainability. #circuitosdearteydiseño #detrásdeescena #fashionalive #comercioproximidad #fashionalive Request participation to.
➡ May 20 – From 10h -WOW concept. Application for participation 📩 to