Madrid Capital de Moda has as one of its main objectives to promote Spanish design.
One of the initiatives to support this sector, which has been so affected due to the health crisis, has been the launch of the Madrid Capital de Moda Award, in whose first edition it was received by Moisés Nieto and in this last call 2021 it was obtained by the Oteyza firm.
Also located within the Strategic Plan for Subsidies 2021-2022 of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment of the Madrid City Council, the public call for subsidies has been published to support the participation of designers in Madrid Fashion Week, corresponding to the years 2021 and 2022. The General Directorate of Commerce and Hospitality is the competent body for the instruction and resolution of the regulated procedure for this call.
The objective of this call is to finance the expenses incurred by designers and fashion designers (individuals or legal entities) who have presented their collections in both face-to-face and digital formats in the years 2021 and 2022, in some of the the editions of the official Madrid Fashion Week calendar, be it the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid catwalk or the Madrid Es Moda event, in any of the locations, as well as in any other similar event held in the capital with the same media impact and economic impact on the sector, which contributes to reinforcing the image of Madrid as Capital of Fashion.
The total credit allocated to this grant for the years 2021 and 2022 is 1,000,000 euros, divided into 500,000 euros for the 2021 call, and the same amount for the 2022 call. In both calls, the maximum amount of the subsidy to be granted per applicant will be 10,000 euros.
▶ The fee paid for participation in these events.
▶ The rental of the space for the presentation of the collection.
▶ The salary of the personnel hired to model the presentation.
▶ The expenses of the technical production of the parade or presentation.
▶ The expenses related to the communication of the presentation of the creation and the collection such as the contracting of photo and video production, management of social networks, online and offline communication media, and communication agency (organization of the presentation, development of the communication plan, and public relations actions)
In order to be valued, these expenses must be accurately identified and formulated.
Through the Electronic Headquarters of the Madrid City Council, where the application form will be completed, accompanying it with the corresponding documentation.
➡ Access to the Registration Form
For the 2021 call, the application submission deadline will be from October 15 to November 3 of the current year, and they will be the same days for the 2022 call.
➡ All the bases and all the information
Consult all the complementary information in the Official Gazette of the Madrid City Council .
With these calls organized by the General Directorate of Commerce and Hospitality and the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment, the objective of Madrid Capital de Moda is reinforced to promote sectors that are in charge of internationalizing the city, supporting initiatives to give it greater visibility to the city of Madrid worldwide.