1 year
Semipresential & online
presentials courses: friday & saturday
65 ects
ELLE Education & UCM – MBA in Luxury Brands and Lifestyle
At ELLE Education we are benchmarks in lifestyle and innovation, and we are committed to high-quality training. That is why we have designed an MBA as an academic tool to understand the change that the industry is facing. This program is a key piece to lead and reinvent the business environment. In the midst of the digital age, companies have to redefine their business models and connect with an audience that goes one step beyond the product in search of experiences.
With this program you will specialize in Lifestyle strategy and develop all the management skills necessary to lead any company, delving into these areas: brand development, digital business, talent management, management skills and trend analysis.
With the MBA Lifestyle Companies you will be able to develop the necessary skills to face the new challenges of the current context looking to the future.
▶Lifestyle brand experiences.
▶ Business strategy in lifestyle companies
▶ Lifestyle marketing and sales.
▶ Lifestyle: an analysis.
▶ Operations and logistics management.
▶ Talent management and leadership.
MODALITY: Online: 8700€ | Semipresential: 11400€ (Possibility of financing)
QUALIFICATION: Diploma issued by the Complutense University of Madrid with European recognition.
internships in companies
LaNGUAGE: Spanish
contAct: 695 414 072 // consulta@mindway.education