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3D Master in Avatars and Skins creation for metaverse, gaming and animation

 3D Master in Avatars and Skins creation for metaverse, gaming and animation

6 Months  



The most innovative Master for designers who want to learn how to create 3D avatars and their skins and “Total looks” for the Metaverse, animation and gaming.

Certification: Private at the end of the course will be delivered a certificate accrediting having completed and satisfactorily passed it.


-Fashion professionals and students who want to focus their professional career on the world of animation, videogames, design of 100% virtual collections connected to the metaverse.

– Students and professionals from the world of video games and 3D who want to orient themselves in creating costumes to become specialists in digital tailoring in leading companies or to create and market their own assets.

– People linked to the production and marketing of communication and e-commerce pieces who want to direct their future to lead the creation of videos and productions in 3D and Virtual Reality that connect fashion and design with the world of entertainment.

Official Website


DURAtioN:  6 months (March 20 2023)

admission process: Personal interview.

qualification:  3D Master in Avatars and Skins creation for metaverse, gaming and animation

FORMAT: Online

SCHEDULE: Check the schedules in the official website.

LAnguage:  Spanish