As every year, the awaited season of the delicious donuts of San Isidro returns, which can be found in bakeries, pastry shops and markets in Madrid. We encourage you to take the Rosquilla Route so you can get to know all the flavors that this celebration offers us, because not all doughnuts are the same, and each of them are irresistible in their own way.
Read on to discover all the information about this new season of San Isidro rosquillas.
two delicious routes
In its commitment to support the city’s local commerce, Madrid City Council presents, in collaboration with Asociación Empresarial de Pastelerías Artesanas de Madrid (ASEMPAS) (the Business Association of Artisan Pastry Shops of Madrid ),through the Todo está en Madrid project, a sweet route through the pastry shops of Madrid. Check all the information on its official website by clicking here.
¿Tonta, listas, francesas or santa clara’s?.
What is the difference between these different versions of the castizo sweet? The tontas (“silly ones”) do not have a cover, while the listas (“smarts ones”) are covered with a mixture of sugar, egg and lemon. For their part, the Santa Claras donuts take their name from the nuns of the Encarnación Monastery who added meringue when preparing them and the French donuts could be a creation of the cook of Queen Bárbara de Braganza who prepared them with almonds and icing sugar.
And this 2023, on the occasion of the canonization of the patron saint of the city, the ‘rosco de San Isidro’ incorporates a new ingredient, chocolate coating.
particular origin & original recipe
It seems that a pastry chef known as “Aunt Javiera”, who used to sell them at festivals and at the door of the Plaza de Toros, could have been the first to prepare them. It is said that she came from Fuenlabrada or Villarejo de Salvanés and that she prepared the dough with aguardiente.
ASEMPAS reaffirms that this is one of the most consumed sweets this holiday season, with the ready donut being the most sold, followed by the silly ones and those from Santa Clara.
One of the most famous pastry shops in Madrid, has been preparing these donuts for many years: Viena Capellanes wants to share her traditional recipe:
5 Eggs – 80 g. Sugar – 150 ml. Olive oil – 400g Loose flour (bakery type) – Aniseed – 1 egg – Almonds
We beat the eggs together with the sugar, and once ready we add the flour and the oil (and the anises for Tontas). Mix until you have a homogeneous mass, let it rest for a few minutes on the table. Then the donuts are shaped by spreading them in a can, they are bathed with egg yolk, which in the Tontas grows as the characteristic “drawing” (in Francesas the almond is added on top so that it “sticks”), once bathed are ready to be baked.
Both ACYRE Madrid and FACYRE Madrid are integrated into the Ruta de las Rosquillas, and how could it be otherwise, the markets of Madrid, as traditional as donuts, also sell this precious sweet.
Check all the information on Todo está en Madrid official website.
[*] The most delicious rosquillas: Check our photo gallery!
- Mercado de Barceló– Pastelería Israel – Pastelería Tahona del Mico C/ Barceló, 6
- Mercado de Usera – C/ Amparo Usera, 46
- Mercado de Villaverde– Paseo de Alberto Palacios, 18
- Mercado de Chamartín – Uría Hermanos / Juliettas Café – C/ Boliva, 9
- Mercado de La Cebada – Variantes Marga: Plaza de la Cebada
- Mercado de Las Ventas – El Horno de Mamá Tina: C/ Virgen de la Alegría, 10
- Mercado de Antón Martín– La Panadería – C/ Santa Isabel, 5
- Mercado de Antón Martín – Variantes & Bollería Juanjo – C/ Santa Isabel, 5
- Mercado de la Paz – Minimarket Sanabria / La Tahona de Ayala. – C/ Ayala, 28B
ASEMPAS – Pasteleros de Madrid
- Adolfo Lazcano – C/ Nuria, 51 – C/ Ventisquero De La Condesa, 20
- Celilocos– C/ Carlos Solé, 6
- Chantilly – C/ Claudio Coello, 68
- El Riojano – C/ Mayor, 10
- Fomentor – C/ Hermosilla, 81
- La Mallorquina – C/ Puerta del Sol, 8 – C/ Velázquez, 39 – C/ Mira el Río Baja, 21
- La Oriental Sin Gluten– C/ Ferraz, 47
- Lorena – C/ Conde De Peñalver, 78
- Manacor– C/ Palos de la Frontera, 15
- Mifer– C/ Virgen del Coro, 15
- Génova – C/ Génova, 4
- Kasmi – C/ Ave María, 18 – Avenida San Diego, 37
- La Gloria – Avenida Daroca, 36
- Longinos – Paseo de las Delicias, 52 – Plaza Amanecer de Mendez Álvaro, 3
- Miga Bakery – C/ Glorieta de Bilbao, 5 – C/ Julián Romea, 8 – C/ Raimundo Fdz Villaverde, 49
- Pajares – C/ Antonio Prieto, 60
- Sana Locura Gluten Free Bakery – C/ General Oraa, 49
- Saúl – C/ Arturo Soria, 189 – C/ Alcorisa, 1 – C/ O’Donnell 34, C/ Orense, 34, – Ctra Canillas, 44
- Villa Versalles – C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 209
- Viena Capellanes – C/ Fuencarral, 12 – C/ Alcalá, 12 – C/ Génova, 4 – C/ Marqués de Urquijo, 17 – C/ Goya, 37 – C/ Poeta Joan Maragall, 55 – C/ Ruiz de Alarcón, 9 – C/ Paseo del Molino, 6 – C/ Ariel, 7 – C/ Bordadores,9 – C/ Luisa Fernanda, 23 – C/ Condesa de Venadito, 14 – C/ Génova, 25 – C/ María de Molina, 1 – C/ Martín de los Heros, 33 – Paseo de la Castellana, 218.
- Mallorca – C/ Serrano, 6 – C/ Velázquez, 59 – C/ Genóva, 12 – C/ Bravo Murillo, 7 – Av/ Alberto Alcocer, 48 – C/ Aviador Zorita, 39 – Avenida de los Andes, 22
- Juliettas – C/ Hermosilla, 58 – C/Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 12 – C/ Máiquez, 32 – C/ Puebla, 15 bis – Mercado de Chamartín
- Pastelería Cercadillo – C/ de la Cal, 15
- Pastelería Luzón – C/ Conde Peñalver, 42 – Servicio a Domicilio
- Pastelería La Barra Dulce – C/ Mesón de Paredes, 22
- Pastelería Mindanao – C/ Castuera, 17
You already know, this year enjoy your favorite San Isidro rosquillas at home, buy them in the markets of Madrid or some of its most famous patisseries and treat yourself to supporting local trade.