The markets of Madrid are part of the identity of the city and are essential for the development of neighborhood life. In the municipal markets of Madrid you can find fresh ingredients, local products and of course, a personalized service.
The Mercado de Maravillas celebrates its 80th anniversary as one of the most emblematic places in the capital. This food market is located in the Tetuán area and in it you can see a perfect mix between multiculturalism and traditional flavor.
Si algo distingue al Mercado de Maravillas es su gran tamaño, ya que dicen que en su interior cabe un mundo , y es que en este espacio ubicado en el número 122 de la calle Bravo Murillo, abrió sus puertas en 1942 y fue creado por el arquitecto Pedro Muguruza, se pueden encontrar pescaderías cuadrangulares, fruterías bulliciosas, pequeñas cafeterías y tiendas minúsculas.
El Mercado de Maravillas está repleto de puestos tras los cuales podemos encontrar excelentes profesionales que gracias a su trabajo y su tesón, sin duda harán que dentro de unas décadas el mercado cumpla otros 80 años.
If something distinguishes the Mercado de Maravillas, it is its large size, since they say that a world can fit inside, and it is that in this space located at number 122 of Bravo Murillo street, it opened its doors in 1942 and was created by the architect Pedro Muguruza, you can find quadrangular fishmongers, bustling greengrocers, small cafeterias and tiny shops.
The Mercado de Maravillas is full of stalls behind which we can find excellent professionals who, thanks to their work and tenacity, will undoubtedly make the market celebrate another 80 years in a few decades.
celebration activities
Para conmemorar el 80 aniversario del Mercado de Maravillas, habrá una serie de propuestas para que el público que acuda a comprar o a disfrutar de las distintas propuestas gastronómicas que se pueden encontrar en los locales del mercado.
To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Mercado de Maravillas, there will be a series of proposals for the public to come to buy or enjoy the different gastronomic proposals that can be found in the market premises.
december 16th – friday
▶ 11am – 12pm | Showcooking offered by the president of ACYRE and ‘El Qüenco de Pepa’, Pepa Muñoz.
▶ 12pm – 1pm | Galician octopus offered by O’Pulpeiro.
december 17th – saturday
▶ 11am – 12pm | Showcooking of “cheap chicken in pepitoria” offered by Ecochef and member of ACYRE, Miguel Ángel Mateos.
▶ 12pm – 1pm | Ensaladilla rusa show cooking by Jorge Baeza and Xavi Gaspá, members of ACYRE and winners of the Best Ensaladilla Rusa in Madrid.
During this weekend, the Mercado de Maravillas will also offer to all who want to come to celebrate its 80th anniversary, product tastings at different points of the Market, and different activities.
december 16th & 17th – friday & saturday
▶ From 11 am | Market murals on the walls of Maravillas by Estudio Espinosa.
▶ 11am – 2pm |Concert by the string group at the entrance to the Bravo Murillo 122 market.
december 17th – saturday
▶ 11am – 2pm | Children’s activities by YOYORAMA in post 112.
From Madrid Capital de Moda we want to congratulate all the professionals who are part of the Mercado de Maravillas family and we wish them many more years to come providing excellent service to users.