Desfile Cabalgando entre Costuras

Cabalgando entre Costuras in the Plaza de Oriente

Cabalgando in the Plaza de Oriente

Madrid Capital de Moda takes fashion to the streets with Cabalgando entre Costuras, as it did in the last edition in March, which brought to the Plaza Mayor in Madrid an impressive fashion show in which Spanish designer fashion and equestrian art provided an unforgettable spectacle.

This time the chosen venue was the Plaza de Oriente next to the Palacio Real, a place where on Saturday 23rd September from 9pm onwards, this very special catwalk show was a unique fusion of 100% Spanish flavour and enormous artistic quality.

If you want to relive it again, just click on the following video.

Cabalgando entre Costuras was selected by Unesco for its Salons of Contemporary Art and Cultural Tourism worldwide, with Aída Novoa Aguilar as CEO and Juan Carlos Novoa as Creative Director, and proposes this show in the streets of Madrid, which is part of its 2023/2024 tour.

Maison Mesa, María Lafuente, ASN Madrid, Franjul, Deiver Luengo or Isabel Gomilla are some of the different designers who paraded their creations in Madrid’s Plaza de Oriente.

This beautiful presentation featured live music thanks to the participation of the sorprano Pilar Jurado among other artists, who will offer the public who come to the Plaza de Oriente, on Saturday 23 September (9pm), an impressive equestrian dance show with live music and Spanish fashion as the protagonist. Are you going to miss it? Click on the video at the beginning of the post.