Pintura de Picasso y vestido de Chanel


The Thyssen Museum presents an exhibition about the close relationship between the Spanish artist and the French fashion creator.

Maniquí y foto de modelo en la exposición Sybilla El Hilo Invisible

Sybilla | El hilo invisible

The Canal de Isabel II hosts an exhibition on the internationally renowned Spanish dressmaker named Sybilla El Hilo Invisible.

Modelo desfilando con vestido de novia para Atelier Couture

Atelier Couture | September 2022

Summary of some of the best moments of the last edition of the Spanish wedding fashion event that was held at the Palacio de Santoña.

Eduado Navarrete junto a una modelo vestidos de Maison Mesa


Discover everything that happens behind the scenes the Spring Summer 23 collections presentations.

Modelo desfilando para Andrés Sardá en IFEMA

2ND DAY MBFW 09/2022

Thursday 15: Review of the second day of MBFWMadrid. Spring – Summer 2023 collections.

Alumnas de CSDMM en la exposición Talent Lab en la biblioteca Eugenio Trías

Talent Lab CSDMM-UPM

Exhibition of the designs of the CSDMM students in the Eugenio Trías library.

Artista creando su obra plástica en las paredes de un comercio de Lavapiés

C.A.L.L.E. 2022

IX Festival of artistic interventions in the public space of Lavapiés that leaves different works in shops and establishments in the neighborhood.