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ISEM – Fashion & Creativity Management summer course

ISEM - Curso de verano Fashion & Creativity Management

2 weeks (20 – 30 June 2022)

From Mondays to Thursday 10am – 6:15pm

Presential Courses

Two-week program aimed at people of any age who want to have a first contact with the fashion sector from a business perspective.

The Summer Intensive Course Fashion & Creativity Management is a two-week program at ISEM aimed at those who want to enter the fashion industry.

Behind the catwalks there is a business that begins with the raw material and ends at the point of sale. This program will help you learn about this entire process and allow you to discover professional opportunities within the fashion industry.

 Official Website 

 Technical details

DURAtioN: 2 weeks (20 – 30 June 2022)

qualification:  ISEM – Universidad de Navarra’s Certificate

FORMAT: Presential

SCHEDULE: From Mondays to Thursday 10 am – 6:15 pm

programme: 34 sessions + workshops + visits

LAnguage:  Spanish

LOCAtioN: ISEM Fashion Business School (Marquesado de Santa Marta, 3 Madrid)